Monday, 15 September 2014

Day 14 traveling to Cambodia - too much hassle!!!

So day 14 I would like to forget it was the most hastle of traveling I've ever done just for 3 days in Cambodia at one point I wanted to go back to Thailand and that Cambodia was just not worth it ! (Day 15 today I feel much better and glad I did stay) so it starts off not too bad you have to get up erly to get to the train station to buy your ticket and get the train for 5:55am the train departs at this time every day and only cost 48baht (less than a £1) - for more Info check out my earlier blog post about my trip planning to see more details of times, prices and know how. This is what actually happend compared to reasurch. So far this is all correct as before and wasn't too bad then when we got on the train and I know for 48 baht I wasn't expecting much but rock hard seats and jam packed for over 5 hours as the train stopes at every stop on it's way about 40 I'm sure and a cow walkers quiker it ended up taking more like 6 and 1/2 hours with then police moving everyone around for the laugh cramming Thai people all in to 2 carriages and everyone one else into the rest with spare seats just no need at all.

Once we got to piopet we got a tuck tuck to the border or in our case 5 mins walk away! To then have no clue where to go no real signs so we followed the groups of people qued for around 15 mins to get our passport stamped not knowing if we had to do something before or after etc then walked another 5mins to the visa place across the road this was quite simple $20 like I had resourced but then they decided to add on 100baht this was not on the sign and know where I looked before said we had to pay this so I personaly think it was a bit of a scam (if it's not then please let me know) then followed the crowd again thinking we were going to the free shuttle bus but nope to another 30min to 45min que of people to get our passport re checked and fingers scanned. 

After this we finally got to the free shuttle but my friends needed an ATM for the taxi to Siem reap and this took another 30mins as there was no ATMs in this area at all and the banks were being funny. Another tip make sure you bring USD to pay as this is what they want more than there own currency for everything! Bring them in before don't wait for an ATM there is none! Lol 
We then got the free shuttle bus to the bus station and as we were so tired and just wanted to get to the hotel we paid $40 for a taxi to Siem reap as they said they would take us to the hotel and it would be quicker. But it turned out to not be as quick he stopes at shop clearly hopping we would buy something when we had no cash to do so and then when we got into Siem reap he dropped us off with some tuck tuck man and said he can do it free for us if we use him the next day if not we have to pay even though we paid the taxi! Another con right there. When we finally got to the hotel it was like bliss we had deffanetly been tested and rewarded as the hotel was lush so amazing (if you check my video I tell more about the traveling and the hotel with a room tour) I liked the hotel and the person running it so much I am going to write a separate review for it tomorrow I would so recomend it the staff are great and welcoming and accommodating and it's really cheap to stay and for food! 

By the way the tuck tuck man did come back the next day to take us but we said we were I'll and got the hotel to take us to the temples instead lol 

It cost us around £30 that day alone more than what I had spent in 1 week in Thailand! Just in getting there and getting in is quite exspensive in comparison. 

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